Mr. Tim Chan
Growth Marketer Academy​

Tim is the founder of Growth Marketer Academy, the 1st growth school in Asia with presence in HK, TW, MY to help marketer & business to adopt growth, data, martech & AI to achieve growth & digital transformation. He is familiar with OpenAI, ChatGPT, AI-Powered Tools & No-Code tools and facilitating companies to apply tech into their daily operation.

He built an tech-driven marketing agency (HelloReporter) to help 100+ corporates & fund-raised startups from various industry on digital marketing, eCommerce, Content & PR. His previous venture is the incubatee of Appworks in TW, Cyberport & Google EYE.

Tim contributed articles about marketing, eCommerce, tech & AI on Huffington Post, Tech in Asia, e27, HK01, StartupBeat etc. While he was the co-curator of Facebook Community Leadership Circle (HK), prev. president of CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Asso., he is also a visiting lecturer at HK Polytechnic University and honorary guest lecturer at Hang Seng University of HK.